This position is open to internal candidates.

This is a District-wide position.


Salary Range:

Pay Grade 17, Local 66 Contract - Cook Assistant CO-III

Pay Grade 15, Local 66 Contract - Custodian C-III


Term: 40 hours per week / 260 days per school year

Cook Assistant CO-III: 20 hrs/wk - 181 days per school year

Custodian C-III: 20 hrs/wk (4 hrs/day / 181 days per school year and 8 hrs/day / 79 days per school year)


Cook Assistant CO-III  


Duties and Responsibilities:


Custodian C-III


The applicant shall be responsible for the following:  cleanliness of the areas assigned; maintaining and repairing the building and building contents; and performing all other duties that may be assigned by the building principal, district facilities engineer, or superintendent.

Screening Procedure:  The District reserves the managerial right to make an assessment of the candidate’s custodial knowledge and physical ability to perform the duties and responsibilities of the position.


Internal Application Deadline:  Open Until Filled